The Diocese of Pittsburgh requires that all volunteers in ministry with children comply with the Safe Environment Policy which includes the following components:
All adults who have regular contact with minors are to complete the Diocese of Pittsburgh's database application. Once this application is completed, it will also be used to obtain a Pennsylvania State Police criminal record check. If you do not already have the access code, please contact the parish office.
Required for all volunteers, ages 18 and above, who work in ministry with children or teens. Please print, complete, and sign. Must be renewed every FIVE years. This is now completed with the Database application above.
Required for all volunteers, age 18 and above, who work in ministry with children. Please print, complete, and sign. Must be renewed every FIVE years.
Click here for the form and instructions.
Please note:
The Diocese of Pittsburgh has mandated the following ministries are required to comply with the Safe Environments Policy.
Report Child Sexual Abuse to the Diocese of Pittsburgh
Diocese of Pittsburgh Protection of Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults
Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: 412-456-3093
Diocesan 24 Hour Notification: 1-888-808-1235
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-932-0313
Catholic Charities: 412-456-6999
Child & Youth Service Allegheny County: 412-473-2000
Mental Health Services Allegheny County: 412-454-9000
Cyber Tip Hotline: 800-843-5678
Call 911 immediately if a child is in imminent danger of abuse